The strength of steel at high temperature is well understood and documented. It is known that at a temperature above 500°C, hot rolled structural steel loses a significant amount of its ambient temperature load capacity.
Steel frame structures can be designed so that the maximum stress on the steel members is limited to 60% of their individual maximum capacity at ambient temperatures. This additional 40% redundancy provides the frame with strength in abnormal situations, such as a fire. Dependant on the size, shape and orientation, this additional capacity may equate to a calculated collapse temperature of 550°C, rather than just above ambient. This means that above 550°C, the structural steel member doesn’t have enough strength to support the structure it is maintaining. This is the limiting or critical temperature.
To know more, have a look at this graph:
From the example above, if 550°C is the limiting temperature before the structure collapses, the graph below demonstrate the typical temperature profiles:
The intumescent coating doesn’t really start to protect significantly until ~250-270°C, which is commonly about 10 minutes after the fire starts. This is where we can first see a reaction. That’s linked to the chemical reaction of the intumescent coating, converting from a paint film to an insulating char.
Once the char is in place, it begins to insulate at a lower rate, slowing the build-up of heat in the steel core. The slight curve is generally the same shape regardless of the thickness of the intumescent, but the thicker the coating, the more elongated the green curve. This equates to the more time to reach the limiting temperature. The extra time needed divided by the difference to Critical Core Temperature (CCT) is a factor in the protection thickness requires.
For example:
Another example:
This is not an absolute value, but a demonstration that approximately 6x more intumescent is needed to protect the same piece of steel for 60 minutes if the limiting temperature is 350°C, compared to if it was 750°C. This is protecting with the same coating.
On all Nullifire intumescent coatings there are tables to give you the correct assessed protection requirements. The tables don’t always show this factor of six as demonstrated above because the performance is not always linear as the example suggests.
Performance varies for every product, over different substrates, and over different fire resistance periods - which is why performance can’t be modelled. Performance must always be tested and assessed.
To understand with the critical temperature is important, you should keep in mind this information:
Only a trained and competent person, such as a structural and/or fire engineer, can determine the limiting or critical temperature of structural steel based on the steel dimensions, length, strength, loading and orientation, etc.
To learn more about this story call Mark O'Brien on 0418 814 538 or send an email to