Specifying intumescent paint coatings

A correct intumescent coating system specification should include the following information:
- The corrosive category
- The steel section size, or the designated profile and dimensions of the member in question
- The number of exposed sides that the member will have, for example a freestanding column will have four exposed sides, whereas a beam topped by a concrete slab or abutted against a wall will have three sides
- The FRL that must be met, in accordance with the classifications provided by the NCC
- The critical temperature or design load used by the structural engineer in their design
- The steel preparation required
- The intumescent basecoat and finish required
- The top seal required
- A product technical data sheet
- Client details
- Project details
- Any other requirements, such as core-filling or meshing
The specification of intumescent paint coating systems is a highly specialised field requiring qualified practitioners in order to achieve compliance. Contact Swart & Sons for more information.
For a more detailed explanation of the process, download this guide from Promat...
Below are links to download specification guides for the leading brands of intumescent coating products.
If the brand or product you require is not shown contact the manufacturer for guidance. Most manufacturers are more than happy to assist you in specifying their products.
Download the PDF
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Intumescent paint coating specification templates
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Intumescent paint coating corrosivity ratings in the Australian atmosphere
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Limiting steel temperatures to maintain structural integrity
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Getting help with intumescent paint coatings
The specifying and application of an intumescent coating system is a highly specialised task that requires considerable training and experience to accomplish correctly.

Fire types and severity
Different combustible materials burn at different temperatures which will have a bearing on the FRL of a given intumescent paint coating. This needs to be taken into account when specifying intumescent products so that the required FRL is ensured for the combustible materials that are likely to be encountered in a particular situation.

Quality assurance for intumescent paint coatings
We believe Painting Contractor Certification Program (PCCP) accreditation is paramount for passive fire protection contractors engaged in applying intumescent paint coating systems.

How core filling affects intumescent paint coatings
Core filling is a viable solution to fire-protect high Hp/A hollow section steel that is otherwise unable to achieve the desired FRL.

Applying intumescent paint coatings
Builders need to choose appropriately qualified subcontractors that are licensed to do work in the relevant state or territory, i.e. they are licensed to apply intumescent paint coatings.