Roles and responsibilities
The specific WHSE roles and responsibilities of Swart and Sons Pty Ltd (Swart) employees are detailed below:
Managing Director
The Managing Director (Mark O’Brien) is responsible for WHSE for Swart; duties include:
- Implementing WHSE Management Plans
- Using the Hierarchy of Controls in all design, fabrication and construct activities to minimise WHSE risks
- As a PCCP accredited Responsible Person (RP), ensure that all class 5 projects comply with all legislative and regulatory requirements. The RP has the authority to stop non-complying class 5 works with the support of senior management
- Communication with the principal contractor to reduce risks
- Being a part of the planning and design stages of trade activities
- Deciding when WHSE training is required, in conjunction with the Works Supervisor and Leading Hand
- Leading by example and promoting sound WHSE practices at every opportunity
- Ensuring safe plant / equipment is provided and maintained
- Reviewing WHSE reports and inspections and following up on recommendations
- Coordinating incident investigations and reporting to the workplace controller and relevant authorities, as required
- Coordinating WHSE meetings and programs
- Monitoring compliance with WHSE Management Plans, including SWMS
- Assisting injured employees to return to their pre-injury duties as soon as practicable after a work related injury
WHSE Coordinator
The Managing Director (Mark O’Brien) is the designated WHSE Coordinator and is responsible for WHSE at the workplace; duties include:
- Communicating WHSE performance to the Works Supervisor
- Assisting the Works Supervisor to develop and implement WHSE Management Plans
- Providing advice on WHSE to all employees
- Being a part of planning and design in work activities
- Determining WHSE legal requirements for the work activity or trade
- Making sure WHSE work procedures are followed
- As a PCCP accredited RP, ensure that all class 5 projects comply with all legislative and regulatory requirements. The RP has the authority to stop non-complying class 5 works with the support of senior management
- Coordinating injury management / return to work for injured employees
- Reviewing WHSE reports and inspections
- Setting up, and being part of, WHSE meetings and programs
- Setting up toolbox talks on a regular basis
- Ensure sound WHSE practices are followed at all times
- Setting up and conducting WHSE inductions
- Conducting incident investigations
- Communicating with the Works Supervisor on all WHSE matters
- Making sure records are kept under these guidelines
- Being part of inspections and ensuring recommendations are completed
Works Supervisor
The Works Supervisor is responsible for WHSE at the workplace; duties include:
- Implementing WHSE Management Plans
- Observing all WHSE rules and regulations
- Ensuring that work activities are carried out in a safe and environmentally sound manner
- Planning to carry out all work safely, including any interface with other work activities
- Providing advice and assistant to other employees on WHSE matters
- Being part of the planning and design stages of trade activities
- Deciding when WHSE training is required, in conjunction with the Managing Director and Leading Hand
- Actioning WHSE reports and carrying out workplace inspections
- Setting up WHSE meetings and programs
- Helping to prepare SWMS for Swart’s work activities
- Investigating hazard reports to ensure they are completed and corrective actions undertaken
- Carry out project inductions, toolbox talks and team meetings
- Being part of incident investigations
- Leading by example and promoting sound WHSE practices at every opportunity
- Undertaking inspections of contracted (or planned) works to ensure that WHSE control measures are implemented, and effective
- Other WHSE duties as directed by the WHSE Coordinator and/or Managing Director
Injury Management Coordinator
The Injury Management Coordinator is responsible for the management of injuries at the workplace; duties include:
- Assisting injured employees to return to their pre-injury duties as soon as practicable after a work related injury
- Ensuring that, where appropriate, the injured employee is given access to occupational rehabilitation services
- Liaising with any parties involved in the occupational rehabilitation, or provision, of medical services, to the injured employee
- Monitoring the progress of the injured employee’s capacity to work
- Taking steps to prevent recurrence or aggravation of the relevant injury upon the injured employee’s return to work
- Providing assistance to meet all legal requirements regarding injury management and return to work
Leading Hand
The Leading Hand is responsible for the conduct of specific projects; duties include:
- Implementing WHSE Management Plans
- Ensuring that work activities are carried out in a safe and environmentally sound manner
- As a PCCP accredited RP, ensure that all class 5 projects comply with all legislative and regulatory requirements. The RP has the authority to stop non-complying class 5 works with the support of senior management
- Using the job control process to ensure that all work completed is of the highest quality
- Being part of the planning and design stages of trade activities
- Deciding when WHSE training is required, in conjunction with the Managing Director and Works Supervisor
- Carry out project inductions, toolbox talks and team meetings
- Leading by example and promoting sound WHSE practices at every opportunity
All Employees
All employees are responsible for the following:
- Working in a safe and environmentally sound manner without risk to themselves, other or the environment
- Complying with WHSE Management Plans, including all SWMS
- Reporting all incidents to the Works Supervisor
- Reporting all injuries and illnesses to the designated First Aid Officer
- Reporting any WHSE hazards to the Works Supervisor
- Providing suggestions, through agreed consultation methods, on how to improve WHSE issues
- Seeking assistance if unsure of WHSE rules
- Reporting any faults plant / equipment / tools to the Works Supervisor
- Complying with site rules
- Correctly using, and maintaining, all Personal Protective Equipment
- Complying with emergency and evacuation procedures
Contractors, Subcontractors and other Stakeholders
All contractors, subcontractors and other stakeholders shall take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. They shall not recklessly or intentionally interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety or the environment.
Failure to comply with legal requirements, specific instructions related to WHSE or to comply with Swart WHSE policies and procedures may result in immediate removal from Swart premises and such other actions as may be appropriate.
Contractors, subcontractors and other stakeholders must:
- Use all supplied equipment (wherever required) in the correct manner
- Maintain their work places in a well-kept and orderly condition
- Immediately report to the Swart Works Supervisor and/or Leading Hand:
- Any unsafe conditions or plant / equipment tools
- Any injury sustained as soon as the injury becomes apparent
- Any near miss
- Any hazard
- Any situation that may impact upon the environment, ie chemical spill
- Ensure they are not, by the consumption of alcohol or drugs, in such a state as to endanger their own health and safety at work or the health and safety of any other person at work.
Swart will ensure that each contractor or subcontractor is informed of our WHS and Environmental Policies and their obligations under the policies prior to commencing at the workplace.

Mark O'Brien
Managing Director