Industrial grouting
We are Adelaide's most experienced pressure grouting contractors. We have six specialised grout pumps from small single phase to trailer-mounted Putzmeister Sp11 pumps.
The art of grouting involves the placement of flowable, non-shrink grouts under column base plates, mechanical plant and precast conctrete to provide long term stability.
The materials can be either cement or epoxy resin based and these are pumped into position with a rotor stator grout pump.
SAHMRI flower column bases, this is one of the hardest installations we have done. It involved eight full size prototypes in clear perspex to allow the engineers to track the flow of the grout.
We needed to achieve 98-100% surface bearing of the grout to the big steel plates on the eight flower columns. To add to the complexity we were using Sika's new deep pour cementitous grout... an Adelaide first.
The flower columns support the whole of the building, it's a site to see as you drive down Adelaide's North Terrace.
amcor bottle plant
We we chosen to do all three stages of the big machine grouting at Amcor's bottle plant in Gawler South Australia. Swart and Sons has done epoxy, cementitous grouting on all the big glass bottle machines at Amcor.
Adelaide Brighton cement
When Adelaide Brighton Cement installed their latest cement grinding machine, it was Swart & Sons they turned to to place 2.5 cubic metres of epoxy deep pour grout and 2 cubic metres of deep pour cementitous grout to the hold down bolts.
This project was completed on a very tight time frame with very tight tolerances for the grouting.