Work health & safety policy

SWART & SONS PTY LTD has been independently assessed and certified as having established, documented, and implemented an Occupational Health & Safety System complying with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 - Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems.
Certificate ID: 5240301-O
Initial certification - 06/08/24
Current issue - 06/08/24
Certificate expiry - 05/08/27
Swart and Sons provides the Installation of Passive Fire Protection coatings and Systems, along with abrasive and coating services. Concrete remediation of structures and buildings is a supplementary service.
Swart & Sons Pty Ltd (Swart) is committed to Work Health and Safety (WHS) as an essential element within our business. This WHS Policy and the associated procedures are a key part of our drive for quality outcomes throughout our organisation.
This commitment to WHS is demonstrated through:
- Compliance with statutory requirements, Codes of Practice, Australian Standards, Acts and Regulations
- Establishing objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating hazards and reducing OHS risks in relation to the products and services we provide.
- Defining roles and responsibilities in relation to WHS
- The system conforms to PCCP and ISO 45001
- Senior Management adopting a planned approach to eliminating hazards and reducing Occupational Health and Safety risks
The strategies to be employed include:
- Ensuring that WHS management principles are included in all organisational planning.
- Implementing a structured WHS planning process based on documented procedures, instructions, and documentation.
- Providing ongoing education and training to all employees
- Consulting with employees and other parties to improve WHS outcomes through the participation and engagement of our workforce.
- Ensuring that incidents, including near misses, are thoroughly investigated and procedures are reviewed accordingly to prevent recurrence.
- Distributing WHS information, including this Policy, to all employees and interested parties.
- Providing sufficient resources to ensure that WHS management is fully communicated, enacted, and complied with across the organisation.
- Effective consultation, communication, and participation processes between management, employees, and contractors to maintain management systems that promote continuous improvement.

Mark O'Brien
Managing Director