Trafalgar FyreBOX


Trafalgar FyreBOX Cast-In

A simple, multi-service passive fire penetration system that can be cast directly into floor slabs to prevent the spread of fire through service penetrations, whilst reducing the footprint needed for riser shafts and cupboards.

Trafalgar FyreBOX Maxi

The FyreBOX Maxi is a retro-fit multi-service penetration system designed to prevent the spread of fire through small or large service penetrations, in the smallest footprint possible.

Trafalgar FyreBOX Mini

The FyreBOX™ Mini and Maxi are a retro-fit multi-service penetration system designed to prevent the spread of fire through small or large service penetrations, in the smallest footprint possible.

Trafalgar FyreBOX Slab-Mount

The FyreBOX Slab-Mount is an Australian made passive fire penetration system used for multiple and mixed service penetrations.

Trafalgar FyreBOX Slab-Mount Bambino

Simplifies the installation of individualservices before the wall construction, providing predictable site costs and fire stopping, independent of other contractors.
call us today on 08 8262 6226 for expert, reliable advice